accompt (37) account
Acheron (15) Hell
adage (44) proverb
afeer’d (34) confirmed
ague (4) disease
alarm (4) trumpet-call
All . . . house (14) Even if I were to double my efforts on your behalf, it would be nothing compared with the honour you pay by visiting our house.
Angel . . . served (14) i.e. the Devil
an’t (19) If
antic round (130) mad dance
aroynt! (6) begone!
auger-hole (120) the tiniest crevice
augment (27) support
augurs. . . blood (123) Prophecies have (in the past) revealed even the most well-hidden murders
authoriz’d (65) written
avouch (119) justify
bark (24) boat
became him (8) suited him
become (63) suit
before (12) on his chest
beldams (2) witches
bellman (3) man who summoned condemned prisoners
Bellona’s bridegroom (55) bridegroom to the goddess of war (i.e. Macbeth).
benison (40) blessing
borne in hand . . . cross’d (79) deceived, double-crossed
both the worlds (16) earth and heaven
brinded (1) streaked
bruited (22) announced
card (16) a sea-chart
cast the water (50) examine the urine (here, used metaphorically)
chastise (27) beat off, chase away
cleave (146) fit
cleave to my consent (25) approve of my plan
cloudy messenger . . . clogs me with this answer The surly messenger refuses to report to Macbeth the news of Macduff’s desertion for fear of punishment.
compassed . . . pearl (22) surrounded by the elite of Scotland
constrained things (13) conscripts
construction (12) intention
convinces . . . art (143) defeats all the attempts of (medical) skill
corporal (81) bodily, physical
corporal agent (81) physical part of myself
cours’d (21) chased
cow’d (18) caused me to cower
coz (14) cousin
crack of doom (117) Day of Judgment
detraction (123) self-accusation
dew (30) wet (with blood)
direction just (4) exact instructions
disposition . . . owe (112) my own human nature, courage
divine (71) priest
dudgeon (46) handle
effect and it (47) the result and the plan
Enemy of Man (68) the Devil
English epicures (8) the self-indulgent English
enow (56) enough